Well here it is: my first post!
I need a new hobby like I need another cat - but the appeal of entering the blog world became too great. Like most of my projects I'm sure this one will be neglected from time to time but I promise to do my best to post my adventures and updates and they unfold.
I must admit that I think bloggers are just a little bit narcissistic. Well, at least the ones who talk about themselves. Who am I to assume that anyone would be interested enough to come back fro mtime to time to see how things are going in my life? But I am a talker and I do enjoy introspective and self-revealing projects, so why not?
I have lots of plans for this blog - I want to share my stories, pictures, videos, poetry, artwork and anything else I delve into. So I invite you to pull up a comfy chair (and maybe become a follower!) and enjoy the kerfuffle that is sure to ensue.
Can't wait to read more! And, p.s. my keys smell like garbage!